Class is in session.
Okay, since Free's love life seems to be the talk of the town, let me give y'all a proper education in the unknowns and break down what's really good.
First up, AJ.
So, what did Free have to say about AJ when asked by XXL Magazine?
Everybody wants me to ask this: Have you ever dated AJ?
"Noooo! But AJ's a great guy. We just have fun on the show all day, so it's never ever, ever anything like that. I'm very much [single], I don't have time for anything else. This job is serious. My personal life, I keep completely personal."And now I give you....Eminem? Yes, Eminem. Everyone seems to think Free has slept with ol' boy, but let me drop some knowledge on you. This is what Em had to say about the lovely Free when asked about their relationship.
"I used to talk to Free. We ended up not dating but still keep in touch on a semi regular basis."I know what you're thinking, what about Chris Luva Luva? Well, here you go.
Whats up with you and Free from 106 & Park. Every time you’re on the show it seems the two of you seem to have something going on we don’t know about?
"Let's just keep that the way it is. I can’t really speak on that." (Laugh)
Free has been quoted to say Luda is "actually a cool cat." These statements might make you wonder, but on the real, I get the impression that they are close friends. They support each other in a couple of things, birthdays included as some of you can already see.And last, but DEFINITELY not least, Jay Z.
Gossip guru Jawn Murray commented on the whole Jay and Free rumor way back in February's BV Buzz.
"The rumor mill says they were kicking it nearly three years ago, about the time a certain producer played a hot track for me that she recorded for her still-not-released rap debut, and Jay-Z wrote her verses."
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