Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Free on BET's Ultimate Hustler tonight.

I'm so sorry for not getting this info to you guys earlier. I'm slippin' on my pimpin.' LOL. Free was featured on Ultimate Hustler tonight for a hot second. The teams were given a mission to deliver special packages to a select number of people that Dame Dash respects. And.....surprise! Freedom was apart of the crew. It was exciting to see her and she looked really nice. So make sure to catch the re-airing on Thursday, November 17th at 12 AM (central time). You'll be able to see Free about 30 minutes into the show.

**Update: I told y'all I would put up some screen caps, but guess what? My dumb self recorded over the clip before I could get them. I'm sorry, but that's a no go. But I do have the clue that I promised:

Home of the brave,
Land of the free.
Everyone eventually figured out that it was Free and her CEO package was delivered with only a little bit of drama.

1 comment:

FunkyFresh said...

I'm gonna try and get some screen caps for you guys and the clue given about Free. So make sure to check back.