Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Talk With Me

Y'all are gonna have to work with me now 'cause I feel like I'm pulling teeth here. I know a lot of people visit this site, but from the number of comments, it doesn't look like that. I was thinking about creating a message board to go along with the site, but I don't want to spend time on one if no one will go over there. So, to be or not to be? Another idea I had was to put up a tag board, which is not as complicated as a message board. You can easily leave messages on the site for everyone to read. PLEASE, tell me which one you think I should do, or if I should do any at all.

I know the Free info comes few and far between lately, but I have a feeling that will change sometime soon. I want to have something around where we can talk when the tide does actually turn. You can still hit me up through email too.


Anonymous said...

i think u should make a tag board.

Anonymous said...

I like that idea a lot. you should do it!!!!!!

FunkyFresh said...

Oh sh*t, I got some of y'all to talk! LMAO, I'm only playing. I truly appreciate your feedback and opinions. I'll wait a little longer for more responses to see which one I should do. Or maybe I'll do both.......

Anonymous said...

I think I a tag board would be better b/c no one wants to create a acct just to leave comments.

FunkyFresh said...

You don't have to create an account to leave comments like we are right now. I'm not sure if you would have to login to do the tag boards either. I think I'm leaning towards doing both ideas instead of just one. Thanks to all of you for your suggestions.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a good idea for you to put a message board or a tag board on here either one is a good idea.

BMSprint said...

Actually I think a regular forum is a better idea but either one works. I'd like either!

Anonymous said...

That ideas works for me..anything to keep lines of communication open for everyone....

FunkyFresh said...

The new tagboard is up now, so you guys can start leaving your comments. Keep it clean and have fun!